
Angels are messengers.  They are messengers from spirit allowing us a greater understanding and connection to Spirit. The word angel comes from "angelos" which is the Greek word for messenger.  Not only are angels messengers, they are also part of our consciousness, representing realms beyond thought and idea. 

 Angels Among Us 

Events and interactions with people in daily life may at a first glance seem just that. We investigate how conversations with and actions of people may in fact be Divine guidance and may even hold messages for us. This is an interesting way to discover purpose and intention in relationships with family , friends and others.

Cost: $90

Angelic Touches

During this peaceful and transformational workshop you learn how to communicate with Angels in a very simple and gentle way. Angels are constantly around us, touching our lives in ways we do not always realize. They are waiting for us to ask them for loving guidance, protection and healing.

Cost: $90

Listening to Angels

In this workshop you are guided to listen and follow the guidance of your Angels. constantly around us, touching our lives in ways we do not always realize. They are hoping we will begin listening to them on a permanent basis, helping us live an easier free flowing life.

Cost: $90

Angel Messages

With the experience you have from previous workshops, you will better understand the messages you are receiving and how to incorporate them into your life and to assist others in receiving messages for them. Angel communication is a wonderful gift to share.

Cost: $90

 Guardian Angels

A guardian angel is an Angel assigned to protect and guide a particular person or group.

Connect with your Guardian Angel.

Cost $70

 Angels Blessings

Angels are God's messengers. Each angel is on a mission to share a unique quality of God's presence. Angels constantly watch for opportunities to bestow God's blessings of unique qualities of love, wisdom, and healing.

Cost $70


Understanding the Archangels and all they have to share with us can be an extremely peaceful learning experience. Allowing yourself to feel and embrace the archangels will change your life ina powerful and positive way. Treat these etheric beings as your best friends and welcome them into your heart and life.

Cost $70

 Angel Therapy

Angel Therapy is a non-denominational spiritual healing method that involves working with a person's guardian angels and archangels, to heal and harmonize every aspect of life. Angel Therapy also helps you to more clearly receive Divine Guidance from the Creator and angels.

Cost $70

 Angel Healing

Angels and Archangels have limitless healing capabilities and we need only give our permission and allow these magnificent light beings to fulfil their Divine Purpose.

Angels can heal any physical or emotional pain. Angel Healing occurs instantly and is permanent.

Cost $70

 Angelic Touch

Feel the touches of Angels in your daily lives and feel the touch of love in your life.

Cost $80

Psychic Development Basics
Understanding the basics of any Spiritual work is very important. You will learn how to protect yourself from any negative energies and ensure you always feel safe and secure while opening up Spiritually.
There are many grounding exercises we use to ground you and to open you up wi
th the greatest of ease, making this journey almost magical.
We cover Energy And Auras, Chakras, Angels, Fairies. and Spirit Guides, Animal Totems, Past Lives,  Tea Leaf Reading, Card Reading, Dream Interpretation, para-psychology and more.
At the end of this 8 week course you will be able to feel, see and understand energies. You will be receiving messages and guidance from your Spirit Guides and possibly lost loved ones.  

Energy & Auras
Spirit Guides & Angels
Animal Totems
Tea Leaf Readings & Card Readings
Past Lives 

Dream Interpretation
Cost $240    
This course is not accumulative, therefore you can join at any time.

Creating Sacred Space      Energy & Auras 
No matter what gifts or abilities someone already has it is essential to understand the basics before delving in further. 
During this session, you will be introducted in techniques to assist you in switching on and off your abilities and to protect yourself from picking up negative energies.

We experience the Importance of  Protection and Clearing and explore many techniques to ensure you are not at risk of absorbing anyone elses energy or traumas. 
Ensuring you are well protected will assist in receiving clear commnication with Spirit.
Cost $40    2.5 hrs

This is one of the Modules in Basic Psychic Development Certification Course
Chakras  Chakra Cleansing and Charging 
This class explains the where, what, how and why of Chakras. I introduce you to where the chakras are, what they do for us, why they may be out of balance and how to bring them back into alignment. 
Using a variety of techniques and tools your chakras are balanced and re-aligned during this class. 
We use Crystals, Pendelums, Oils and Drumming to clear the energy vortexes which activate your chakras to be opened and tuned to receive positive energy. 
Cost: $40   2.5 hrs
This is one of the Modules in Basic Psychic Development Certification Course

Past Lives
Past Life Journeys bring you to places and times you never imagines you would re-visit or remember. This workshop is one of my most popular workshops. Exploring Past lives can be very benefiticial for Soul Growth & Ascention. 

I will share Info about Past Lives and how to get the most from your past life journeys and experiences 
You will be shown 3 different methods to tap into your subconscious and "see into" a past life using each method where you can journey back in time to a previous existence where you will see, feel and hear who you were in past lives.
In addition to having fun, exploring past lives can benefit you in many ways.
Past life healing changes our present lives in remarkable ways. I have witnessed Ancestral Healing in Alcoholism... Weight.... Fears and Phobias.
You can "retrieve" information or abilities from previous lives which will assist you in life right now.
It is always fun to see the similarities in visions and past lives in a workshop...many times people see each other in previous lives.
We will be focusing on asking for Knowledge and Wisdom from Past Lives that will assist us with our path at this time in our lives.
2.5 hrs
Cost $40 if taken individually

Advanced Psychic Development

The course will be covering the following topics.

Ascention and Ascended Masters 
Ascended Angels and Earth Healers
Connecting and Channeling Ascended Masters for Self and Others 
Working with The White Light Entities for The New Earth and New Dimention
Medicine Woman /Medicine Man
Medical Intuitive

Peaceful Resolutions on Heaven and Earth.

**Psychic Surgery and Extraction Healing in person and at a Distance
Cost  $240

Advanced Psychic Dev

Weekend Course
When you have completed the modules in Basic Psychic Development and feel comfortable with the information you have accumulated, the next step is Advance Psychic Development.
In this series we practice channeling, communicating with friends and family who have passed, We use many different modalities and techniques to awaken the spirit within and connect with yourself on a Soul Level. Guided Imagery, music, drumming and many more surprises are in store when you join this class.

This is an inner journey to your soul, reaching the true essence of who you are, why you are here and how to embrace this aspect of yourself. It is an opening to Spirit which cannot be described, only experienced.

Cost: $265


Weekend Course

Learn how to connect with the spirit of a person who has passed. Connect and pass messages to loved ones. Learn the ethics of channeling and medium ship, meditation and preparation styles, protection and opening techniques as well as how to channel and be a medium. Understanding and interpreting the symbols you receive, recognize whom you are "speaking" with and how to present your information.
This is a very intense course, We will be working on cold case files and many other interesting and exciting adventures.
We will visit homes of people who feel their loved ones are still around.
Cost $240

Healing Circle & Flower Ceremony

We join in circle and ceremony to set our intentions for emotional evolution. Enjoy aromatherapy and Peruvian Flower ceremonies which are powerful and peaceful rituals.

Cost $35


Peace in Nature

Weather permitting, this workshop usually takes place outdoors. We connect with the elements of nature, sending healing to and receiving healing from the gifts that is nature. The intention of this workshop is to send healing to ourselves and to Mother Earth.

Drumming, Visual Imagery, Guided Meditations are but a few of the tools we use to reconnect with ourselves in nature.

Day Course 10am to 4pm

Cost: $60

3 Hour Class Day/Evening

Cost: $45


The Temple Within

This workshop will focus on building a strong foundation within ourselves, to honour the temple within and to recognize that although we go outside of ourselves for advice from friends and advisors, the final decision is ultimately up to ourselves and that all answers are within. We focus on appreciating our gifts, to enhance them and ultimately to give back that which we receive.

This experience also assists in accepting and embracing the aspects of ourselves we do not always like and wish to change.

When we relish this moment and allow it to become part of us, we begin a pathway to peace internally and externally.

Day Course 10am to 4pm

Cost: $60

3 Hour Class Day/Evening


The Ultimate Forgiveness

Forgiving those who have sinned against us is difficult but necessary for our future and our growth. Forgiving someone who has wronged you empowers you and assists in Ascension.

Forgiving ourselves is sometimes even more difficult. The messages we receive in this workshop assure us that all wrong doings are forgiven when we show repentance and a willingness to make right the wrongs we have done, knowingly or unknowingly. This is an essential piece that bridges a gap between what has been and what will be. In forgiveness, you will be free of hate, blame and question.

Day Course 10am to 4pm   Cost: $60

3 Hour Class Day/Evening   Cost: $45


The Key to Peace

Within each of us is a key.

This key is the key to peace within and the key to peace in our time. This wondrous walk through a doorway of limitless possibilities will enlighten you and open doors of opportunity and awakening unlike any other you have experienced.

Day Course 10am to 4pm

Cost: $60

3 Hour Class Day/Evening

Cost: $45


Anam Cara  Soul Friends

Events and interactions with people in daily life may at a first glance seem just that. We investigate how conversations with and actions of people may in fact be Divine guidance and may even hold messages for us. Even those who have hurt or insulted us can be an Anam Cara, who contracted with you to teach each other on a Soul Lovel.
This is an interesting way to discover purpose and intention in relationships with family , friends and others.

"In the Celtic tradition, there is a beautiful understanding of love and friendship. One of the fascinating ideas here is the idea of soul-love. Anam is the Gaelic word for soul and cara is the word for friend. So anam cara in the Celtic world was the "soul friend.

The anam cara experience opens a friendship that is not wounded or limited by separation or distance. Such friendship can remain alive even when the friends live far away from each other. Because they have broken through the barriers of persona and egoism to the soul level, the unity of their souls is not easily severed. When the soul is awakened, physical space is transfigured. Even across the distance, two friends can stay attuned to each other and continue to sense the flow of each other's lives. 
With your anam cara you awaken the eternal.

“It could be a meeting on the street, or a party or a lecture, or just a simple, banal introduction, then suddenly there is a flash of recognition and the embers of kinship glow. There is an awakening between you, a sense of ancient knowing.” 
― John O'Donohue, Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom

Warrior Woman Series

January     Warrior Within

February   Reclaiming Your Power in Your Life 

March        Victim or Victorious
                     In this session we dig deep within to release                           the role of Victim and replace it with a fierce                           role of Victor. You are not what has been done                       to you, the life you are living is a result of your                       perspective. We all know a perpetual victim                           who can not manage to see the power they                             have to change their outcome by changing                               their perspectives. Some times that person is                         ourselves.

April           Acceptance & Accountability

May           Manifestations and Great Expectations
                    Expectations can cause frustrations and                                                disapointment. They can be unhealthy attachment to                        people things or outcomes which are not always                                  within our control. 
                       It can be that your are not confident to verbalise                                 your desires or what you expect 
                      Emancipating yourself from these                                                          expectations can be difficult, but not in this workshop! I gently guide you to Manifest the life you desire. Manifestation and Positive You will aquire some strategies to revaluate                                        your expectations of yourself and others, assisting                             you in making boundaries clear and to be assertive                           and focused on achieving sucessful outcomes and enjoying the rewards of sucessful Goal Setting.


 Celtic Fire Gathering

We light a fire and burn all experiences, hurts, negative experiences from the Past in this lifetime and in other lifetimes. While doing this we bring in or reclaim the knowledge, wisdom, teachings we had in Past Lives. that can assist us at this time in our lives.

We light a fire and focus on the Present. We concentrate on the here and now, by burning away past negativity, we  replace it with pleasure and joy in the present. Here you receive guidance and messages for the current situations in your life.

The third and final fire is for creating the Future you want for yourself. By placing positive intention into the future you create a pathway to ensure your future plans fall into place with ease and Grace.


Medicine Woman
Medicine Man

Psychic Surgery,

Medical Intuitive                             
Extraction Healing
Peaceful Resolutions on Heaven and Earth.

Creating Sacred Space  DAY SESSION  5 hrs

In this course we cover many different types of smudging and cleansing process. 

We discuss energy in living and working spaces and how it affects us. Basic introduction to Feng Shui* & Bagua Map

*Feng Shui is the Placement of furniture and objects 

How to create a Sacred Space using Crystals, Music, and other Inspiring or helpful Items.

DAY   $129

This is a Modules in Advanced Psychic Development Certification Course

Seven Techings for the Soul
Honesty, Bravery, Kindness, Respect, Love, Truth, and Knowledge
Connecting to the most important seven teachings and what they mean to us on a Soul Level. Exploring, what each word means to us and how to incorporate it into our lives on a daily basis. There is a drumming journey for each of  the Seven Teachings for the Soul  
We journey and discuss our experiences on the 7 teachings. We connect with our Spirit Guides, Animal and Bird Totems that assist us with living our lives as close to our path as possible.

 Soul Quest

Soul Awakening
We use many different modalities and techniques to awaken the spirit within and connect with yourself on a Soul Level. Guided Imagery, music, drumming and many more surprises are in store when you join this class. This is an inner journey to your soul, reaching the true essence of who you are, why you are here and how to embrace this aspect of yourself. It is an opening to Spirit which cannot be described, only experience.

Cost $80

Old Souls

You have often heard people say "that child is and old soul". It sounds like it is limited to those of us who wear our soul on our sleeve so to speak. However that is not true. We all have Old Soul information within us. Reawaken the essence of that old souls knowledge and experience during this workshop series.

We start the series in Spring and have a workshop at the beginning of each season.

Cost. $45 for each workshop

or buy all the four for $150 Save $30

  Soul Groups

Understanding how and why we meet up with each other lifetime after lifetime.

Cost: $60

 Soul  Healing 

If you have gaps in your life story and ever wondered why...this workshop is for you.Through drumming you will quickly navigate through your cellular memory to find those missing pieces and reclaim your Power. A gentle introduction to meditation for those who have never journeyed, and a power-filled expedition for anyone who has meditation experience.

 Soul Intention
The title of the workshop explains the purpose and goals of the workshop. This is a profound experience in which we are reminded of our Soul’s Intention and Inspiration. You will acquire tools from within to guide you towards achieving your Soul’s Inspiration.

  Soul Purpose

Through Soul Quest journeys discover your soul purpose/destiny and the steps to take towards living your life according to your soul’s desire.

Cost: $60

 Soul Retrieval
A gentle and loving way to repair any injury and restore soul loss caused by trauma, abuse or negative thought patterns.

 Soul Search

The exercises and experiences enjoyed during this workshop will touch your soul in a positive and loving way. This promises to be a profound experience, in which we are reminded of our soul’s intention and inspiration. Bring a pillow, blanket, pen and paper.

Cost: $60


Soul Inspiration

The title of the workshop explains the purpose and goals of the workshop. This is a profound experience in which we are reminded of our Soul’s Intention and Inspiration. You will acquire tools from within to guide you towards achieving your Soul’s Inspiration.

Cost: $60

Soul Whispers  

Medium and Channeled Messages from the Soul Guides we have around us and within us.Receive messages from Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels, Arch Angels, Ascended Masters. Each person get at least one message. Cost: $20

 Spirit Guides            
With very little effort we can establish a connection to our inner advisers. Once the connection has been made, you can have conversations with these advisers, to help in decision making, problem solving and achieving goals. These advisers are found within – they are parts of your higher self.

Cost: $60

 Spiritual Pathway    

Prior to Birth, you chose to bring to this life as many spiritual gifts as possible. These gifts can give you the comfort and luxury you desire, but not without focus and discipline. This workshop will teach you the steps to take and the tools you will need for you path. Let’s examine who you are today and who you could become tomorrow.

Cost: $60

 The Heartbeat of your Soul
Through Drumming and Journeying you access a part of the mind that holds your gifts and your potential within it. It is your inner wisdom, it is the place where you can find your soul's purpose. This part of the mind is The Shamanic Mind, it is the creativity, the understanding and the essence of who we are.The Shamanic mind is an amazing place to explore, You can journey to expand and experience other dimensions you never would have believed possible.

 Circle of Intention
We open Sacred Space showing you a variety of techniques to create a sacred space for you to connect with spirit. We then open our circle of Intention with Drumming and Journeying which connect us all in our intention to grow and learn over the next 2 days.

 Greeting the Day
Sunrise Ceremony

We are joined by an Elder from Curve Lake to Perform a Sunrise Ceremony. The Ceremony begins just before sunrise. We share Morning Mantras and Meditations for you to start your day with intention and love.

 Sticks and Stones
We make prayer sticks, Medicine Sticks, Talking Sticks and understand the deep spiritual connection with rocks, crystals etc.

 Circle of Intention and Continuing
We enjoy a high energy hour of combining all our discoveries and experiences We as we drum, sing, dance, bring tambourines, drums, shakers, all together to celebrate our weekend of opening to spirit.

Essence of the Goddess

Awakening the Goddess within brings benefits in all aspects of your life.  Connect with the Essence of the Inner Goddess which leads us on a powerful journey of  Awakening.

Aine       Leaps of Faith

Take a risk and put your heart’s true desire into action. Procrastinating about your dreams won’t make them go away. Neither will it make them happen. Make a decision and then the universal doors will open and help you attain your goals

Sometimes we all need to just take that leap of faith. When you are ready call on the Goddess Aine she will help lead your way!! Indecision leads to stagnation and that leads to our souls not perfecting. We all need to keep moving, learning, growing and allowing our soul to perfect and become all that we can be.

Cost $60

 Maeve    Cycles 

This workshop assist in breaking patterns or cycles which you may or may not even be aware of.  These cycles may create obstacles in your life. Set yourself free of the negative cycles and start some new positive cycles.
Maeve also supports you in setting up now patterns to replace the old ones, which will assist you in taking the steps you want and need to. This workshop is extremely powerful when followed by the workshop on Aine  Leaps of Faith.

Cost $60

 The Mudra of Spiritual Wisdom 
Guiding and Channelling the active power of wisdom.
Enjoy a peaceful meditation to open the weekend and to set our intentions for awakening the Spiritual self.
This Mudra contains the wisdom and the power in such a way that it serves the highest good for the whole.                         

Cost $25

What are Chakras? This class explains the where, what, how and why of Chakras. I introduce you to where the chakras are, what they do for us, why they may be out of balance and how to bring them back into alignment. This class in one of the Modules in Basic Psychic Development 

Using a variety of techniques and tools your chakras are balanced and re-aligned. The energy vortexes which activate your chakras will be opened and tuned to receive positive energy.  

 DAY SESSION 10am to 3pm

Emotional Sources of Disease

Emotional traumas or damage can manifest into physical symptoms and disease. The word Dis-ease is self explanatory, the body is not at ease. When looking at a particular area of the body, think about the function of that area – eg. your stomach; what can you not stomach in your life or what are you having a hard time digesting.

Day Course 10am to 4pm

Cost: $60

3 Hour Class Day/Evening

Cost: $45